Silk Road in eye of Russian painter: art brings us closer

(ECNS) -\- "I hope that through such activities, children from China and Russia can gain an understanding of different cultures and get to know art and history," said Kosterina Evgeniya, a Russian painter, who has held many youth painting exhibition...

《Across Six Leap Years》2013年11月01日 星期五 新京报 分享: ■ 本月酸莓 艺人:Tindersticks 英国诺丁汉的低调乐团Tindersticks在今年4月便进驻著名的Abbey Road录音棚,利用五天的时...

《Traveling Light》,中文译名《轻装前行》,是美国歌手乔伊·汉森演唱的乡村风格歌曲。这首歌曲意境,就像一个重拾信心的旅行者,在奔流不息的河水之畔,迎着峰顶的夕辉,卸下了身上重重的行囊,奔向美丽广阔的远方。 很喜欢这首《Traveling Light》,分享给每一个人生旅程...

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